Monday, November 22, 2010

The arrogance of Loneliness

The days pass by
Busy as hell
The Night's no different; planning for the day
Goals and Ambitions fill up the calendar
Busy as hell

I need that; I will achieve this
And yes, everyone else is just wasting my time
Irritation does a grand finale
Frustration closes my eyes and the nights seem frightening
Sleep is elusive, the mind struggling to free
Unable to control the chaos within
The continued shame of compromise eats my soul

Loneliness is an arrogant bitch
Or is arrogance a lonely bitch?
Whichever it is, the bitch currently rules the house
Unfortunately, I have spent way too much time with both of them

Dangerous it is
Dangerous indeed. This tango is killing me -
The tango between Arrogance and Loneliness
The tango between my ambition and desires
The constant fight between my different selves

I really wish I could say I am tired but arrogance wont let me
She wont let me acknowledge my loneliness
She wont let me appreciate help
And she makes a poor beside companion
She keeps me busy as hell......


  1. loneliness in conjunction with arrogance make two arrogant bitches working in tandem..taming them is known 2b difficult..but knowing u and ur capabilities in taming bitches...i dont think this wud be like super difficult for u..

    And as always luvd ur writing...

  2. A Post might be due here. Don't let the past dictate who you are.
